A Book That Has A Call to Actions of Kindness

An Interactive Fun-Filled Book
That Your Entire Family Will Enjoy 

The Santa Committee is an interactive Christmas adventure children's book designed to share what the Christmas season is all about – The JOY and LOVE we share with others when we give, share, or help others.

That’s what the season is all about and the spirit of Christmas that puts a smile on everyone’s face. The book includes One Official Santa Committee Application, One Acceptance letter from Santa Claus, and 40 fun, daily joy-spreading activities.

Created as a wonderful children’s story, The Santa Committee shares one Head Elf’s endeavor to bring back joy. This task was asked by Santa himself, as joy was running very low that year and he was afraid he would have to cancel Christmas! 

In place high atop the North Pole is the Enchanted Sugar Shadow Forest. This mystical place is where all the Elves reside to help Santa. The Head Elftress, Elfanore, is enlisted by Santa to bring back the joy and magic to Christmas.

The Santa Committee is formed and you’ll see all the magic they spread. For this, they are known as “spreaders” – Spreaders of joy and love during the magical season we call Christmas! 

Children will delight in the fun activities created to spread little acts of kindness and joy wherever they go!

You may get your copy of 
The Santa Committee at Amazon 
and in Kindle as a download. 

A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars.

New Christian Book Release - A Must Read Book

Book: Feed People, 
(Dream, Believe, Follow)
Author: Donna Rollyson
CBM Christian Book Reviews
Rating: 10.0+ out of 10.0 stars

Chronicling a journey from Savannah, Georgie back to West Virginia, overcoming their own dark past from alcoholism and drugs, this couple finds recovery and life in Jesus!

God’s hand of forgiveness and mercy would eventually lead the couple to the revitalizing and planting of a small country church with a food pantry that would feed a small community in West Virginia.

Stepping out in faith after hearing from God, Donna Rollyson and her husband, Ed, begin a journey of obedience to the Lord. Fascinating, this true story reveals God’s mighty miracle-working power in having a calling if you believe upon the Lord, Jesus. He can make all things new. Feeding People is a wonderful testament to the goodness of God! Ultimately, this book reveals the restoration found in finding purpose in one’s calling. Her life motto could be “God knows and sees, just trust and obey.”

Organizing their journey through a 5-part outline, this book inspires, encourages, and teaches all to trust God when one is called into action upon hearing from the Lord. With such heading chapters as: When God Speaks … Listen, The Dream Team, God’s Calling Upon Our Lives, Help Wanted: The Dream Team is needed in West Virginia, and The Beginning of God’s Magnificence! 

Each step of the way reveals God’s amazing grace in kindness. She highlights also when plans go array, noting that sometimes our plan is not His plan in order for readers to ponder circumstances in their own lives, giving great insight as to when it might be time to move on. Her encouragement is to be led by the Lord’s Spirit.

Grit and determination encompass this book, as the author reveals that God can do the impossible. This is also a true testament of faith and being made new in Christ, revealing the handiwork of God. She sprinkles her book with scripture that certainly exemplifies her points. Readers will find faith and hope for a new life in the little steps, the big steps, and the diligent seeking of the Lord, leading them to realize their callings and purpose. Birthed from a dream, her new series encompasses the steps of her “Dream Believe Follow” series that reveals how God can work and speak. Readers will also appreciate this book as an honest work that encapsulates God’s loving hand upon willing and obedient hearts!

A highly recommended read for anyone! This book also serves as a reminder to the body of Christ that feeding people and helping the poor is a command from the Lord. You may get your copy of Feed People at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.

The Apostolic Seed, Natural Conception Algorithm

Title: Apostolic Technologies: Supernatural Algorithms
By: David Stafford
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0+ stars

David Stafford combines the old with the new, combining a practical training manual with key Biblical insights to aid in the developing and equipping of the current era Church with the new changing technologies for the apostolic age and era. He gives the definition of technology as, “Technology is the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area.” Presenting to readers that God is the God of all knowledge, this book has been written to encourage and give all who read it confidence and knowledge of how to advance in the Kingdom of God. He teaches and edifies believers offering Christ’s disciples, new believers, and converts alike, keen insight into what the Church (ekklesia) means from the beginning, and offers a clear understanding of the Church’s “heritage, ancestry, culture.” Certain technologies and supernatural algorithms have been established, as David Stafford reveals and presents to those that desire truth, alongside his revelatory anointing, to those that desire truth from the Word of God. In this book, he presents the true meaning of what it means to be Apostolic.

Full of Scripture, this book is designed with foundational and Biblical theology. Such chapters are: God is a Technological God, The First and Last Adam, The Charge of Dominion, The Apostolic Seed, Natural Conception Algorithm, Artificial Insemination, Apostolic DNA, The Key Elements for Healthy DNA, Supernatural Conception Algorithm, Holiness: the DNA of Deity, Etc., and so much more. The author explains the divine algorithms and technological advances while equipping the Church with strategies and weapons that help them understand their calling, their DNA as the body of Christ, and gives the Church power from above with each amazing chapter. An emphasis on the weapon of fasting is a subject that many question and do not understand. Readers will benefit greatly from the understanding he has presented to the body of Christ on this subject.

In blending an explanation of the “All-Knowing God” that is a “technological” God with the revelation of the supernatural from above in the conquest to bring reformation to the Church, he states, “This is not a move backward nor a move forward but a reformation to reestablish what has been lost and has become inoperable in the body of Christ.” Therefore, this book reestablishes the Apostolic calling of the Church upon nations and peoples. This is a profound book that makes such bold statements that seem from another dimension, revelatory in nature, supernatural, and inspirational.

If you’re looking for a divine RESET of HOW the Church functions, or should function in this modern-day science-filled and technological world, I suggest this book. Explosive, informative, and a fantastic output of information with staggering statistics that tell of the persecuted Church and a “wineskin of organized religion”, this comes as a MUST-READ for those looking to become the End Time Bride.

You may get your copy of Apostolic Technologies: Supernatural Algorithms at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.

Living Life With Christ presents Two Must Read Books for Everyone

Train Them In The Way of the Lord

 Overcoming Abuse: My Body Belongs to God and Me
A Child’s Body Safety Guide

Your body was created by God, and it is a wonderful gift from Him. He wants you and others to treat it with respect. In Overcoming Abuse: My Body Belongs to God and Me, author Reina Davison helps children understand the difference between good touch and no touch and how to identify a no touch person.

Through words and illustrations, the author teaches examples of proper and improper affection and body safety for protection at home, in the community, and on the internet. Davison empowers children to say "no" when a person approaches with improper affection and liberates them to tell a trusted adult when they feel scared and unsafe.
Overcoming Abuse: My Body Belongs to God and Me provides straightforward guidelines that help children understand consent, bodily autonomy, and the importance of telling an adult about encounters that make them uncomfortable. It helps children feel valued and empowered to care for their own hearts and bodies.
You may get your copy of Overcoming Abuse: My Body Belongs to God and Me at Amazon
or in
Kindle as a download. 

Overcoming Abuse: Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Protection
A Guide for Parents Caregivers and Helpers

Overcoming Abuse: Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Protection is an encyclopedic manual for parents, caregivers or helpers to educate their self and train children on body safety. 

This is an indispensable resource for anyone who is interested in becoming aware and informed about child sexual abuse (CSA). It is an informative reservoir on the dynamics of child sexual abuse, the sex offender profile, and a guide on how to protect and prevent a child from being a target of CSA anywhere, including the internet. 

Instructs the adult: on initiating conversation to help the child gain an understanding about the precious gift of his body. Introduces and walks the adult through a healthy age-appropriate biblical perspective on human sexuality. The process of overcoming CSA for the parent/caregiver and child is spelled out (whether the parent/child have experienced CSA or not) healing and hope are offered. An example of a Body Safety Family Plan is provided to develop the skills of self-protection. The parent/caregiver are able to reassure the child that home is where love is—and CSA is not!

You may get your copy of Overcoming Abuse: Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Protection at Amazon or in KindleVisit author Reina Davison at Overcoming Abuse for more information about her books.

Living A Victorious Life

The Power of Childhood / Lawrence W. Stanfield, PhD
A CBM Christian Review - 10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Lawrence W. Stanfield, PhD, relates the importance of healing childhood trauma. Offering solutions and explanation into habits and patterns that develop into adulthood through an unstable home environment lend insight into an approach to holistic healing. These means of holistic healing are through the rebirth process and living a godly life. Consequently, the necessary ingredients that a child needs is presented. He gives readers the tools to recognize unstable environments and childhood trauma received from insecurity, giving hope to readers with encouragement to seek holistic means of healing of the soul through Jesus, the Bible and the application of Biblical principles.

Throughout the author sheds light into practical application through scripture verses that offer a clear perspective of the epidemic of dilemma affecting so many people into their adult years. His book combines decades of research, his own childhood trauma coming from an unstable environment, and depicts case studies that further reveal the plight of victims in childhood.  

The author gives truth to believers that they might not be able to live a victorious life in Christ without certain biblical principles in play. He encourages confrontation of issues related to childhood trauma and perception to challenge.

Presenting information that is without the usual psychological dogma that is difficult to understand, he speaks to readers with compassion. Chapter One begins with encouraging Biblical truths and profound, yet simple, insights that make this a worth-while read to understand a child’s deep need for love, security and self-esteem within a godly environment with parents being living examples of God’s love. Crucial explanation of the basic foundational building blocks that promote a well-rounded adult, the author conversely gives understanding to what happens to children that don’t receive these basics in childhood. His book gives an overview of brain function, mental development, and behavior cycles that come from not receiving the basics in childhood. In essence, both the brain and soul are affected; therefore, both are in need of reprogramming and healing.

At the core of his book is the solution for the soul in holistic healing represented through the rebirth and receiving of the Holy Spirit. Without these two functions, a Christian will not live victoriously. Unveiling the nature of God, our Creator, as a loving Father, and Jesus Christ, His Son, the author presents a guide to walking in the Spirit of God, giving Biblical truth as foundational for becoming whole and free. Yet, he offers truth, and speaks of false doctrine in certain theology that speaks of Christianity as a way to become blessed, prosperous and not suffer. Rather, He speaks of the sanctified soul and the dying to self as a way of daily walking with God.

Get your copy of The Power of Childhood at Amazon or in Kindle as a download.

No Division In The Body

1 Corinthians 12:25. So that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. 26 If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.  N.I.V.

A person with a problem in his body will not be able to work as well as someone who is well, because this  causes the rest of the body to be weakened.  The same is true of the church.  The people who are not tithing are spiritually sick, because they are affected by a curse that they have walked into, see Malachi 3:9. The efficiency of the entire body of Christ, is affected, because you can spiritually affect others.  The weights that are holding most churches from accomplishing the goals God has for them, are not what you would call gross sins.  They are disobedience to God’s Word concerning tithing.  God will be able to use you a lot more, if you become obedient in tithing.

12 Titanic Lessons for Christians, Get Your Copy at Amazon or in Kindle

Timeless in nature, this book captures the essence of the Titanic's sinking and presents far reaching repercussions into our modern-day life that call for our attention and action.  ----- Our eternity is at stake! 

12 Titanic Lessons for Christians by Charles C. Hagan Jr. presents a powerful, intriguing look into history's past, as "history can be our greatest teacher."  Using the 1912 Titanic sinking metaphorically, the author gives insight into the warnings, dangers and signs that ultimately led to the needless loss of over 1,500 lives in the icy Atlantic sea over 100 years ago.  Elaborating the many dangers and pitfalls Christians encounter, the author, uses the example of the Titanic, and keenly offers a parallel scenario in the life of many Christians.  Whether you are a Christian or not, you will find these warning signs and dangers that the Titanic ignored, ring true for all of humanity. 

Fast-paced, well-researched and with valuable Christian values and life lessons, discover how to navigate the waters of life.  Intertwining scripture, the author teaches one to build upon biblical principles versus worldly principles.  Encouraging all to uncover the hidden dangers in life, such as trusting in wealth, and thinking that (you) are unsinkable, the author also gives the opportunity to seek Jesus Christ as your "life raft" in life – presenting time-tested biblical principles that cannot fail. A wonderful, unforgettable read.

You may get your copy of 12 Titanic Lessons for Christians at Amazon, in Kindle Edition, at Barnes and Noble and at Millennium Vision Press

Using Christian Book Marketing to share Christian books with the world.

A Life Changing Book - My Love Story with Jesus: a Memoir of God’s Love and Faithfulness

Shekinah J. King

My Love Story with Jesus: a Memoir of God's Love and Faithfulness captivates readers with a memoir of her personal love story with her Creator and King, Jesus Christ.  Unfolding the rich love He has for all of us, the author proclaims, "He is the Greatest Lover of all Times and He shows me How to Love…" with reverberating enthusiasm to reveal to readers His unfathomable love.  In this book one will find a compilation of love parables, poems and photos that inspire one to intimacy with Jesus Christ.  The author openly shares her heart and the solution she found for all of life's troubles – Jesus Christ. 

Within the pages one will also find an epilogue, evangelistic outreach that shares the Good News of Christ and a question and journaling section for personal spiritual growth.  This book touches the heart of who God is – Love and is for those who want to discover the truth, the way and the life by believing in the One who is Lord of all. My Love Story with Jesus: a Memoir of God's Love and Faithfulness offers all a love story and a living testimony to the grace and unending love that Jesus has for all. "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…" (Revelation 12:11 KJV)
With a Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.), Bachelor of Ministry (B.Min.) and a Master of Christian Leadership (MCL), Shekinah J. King, is an author and a writer of psalms.  As a multi-published author, her mission is to lead others into the unfailing love of Christ.  Her books are recommended for inspiration, intimacy, insight, Bible study, prayer, spiritual growth and evangelistic outreach.  Sharing the compassion of the greatest love she has ever found, she wants others to know of God's grace, love and enduring faithfulness.  Her passion runs deep, as she gives her vibrant testimony of the true love she has found in Jesus Christ.  From her wilderness experiences and encounters with the lover of her soul, this book is a captivating, thought-provoking and inspiring memoir.  She encourages all that they have their own story to share, as they come to know the eternal life in King Jesus.    

You may get your copy of My Love Story with Jesus at Amazon. You may visit Shekinah at Shekinah J. KingMy Love Story With Jesus and at Facebook where you will find encouragement and blessing.

Using the power of CBM Christian Book Marketing to share the love of Jesus with the world.

Finding Freedom In God's Grace - Set Free by Peggy Yellen

Christian Author Peggy Yellen's Set Free - sharing her born-again experience and spiritual journey through life to the abundant grace and truth of God.  Being "re-born" by the Spirit of God, Peggy Yellen shares scripture and what it means to be truly born-again.  Peggy encourages all to come into the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ by presenting to readers the reality of life in Christ.

Her story is remarkable and demonstrates the power of God to see His children through the darkest of times, revealing His unfailing love.  Testifying to the power of God and deliverance from the darkest pit of despair, Set Free is a short, yet encouraging life memoir offering hope to the saved and the unsaved – inspiring all to look to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  This is a must read.

You may order your copy of Set Free by Peggy Yellen at Amazon, at Barnes and Noble.and at other fine online bookstores.

Get a copy of Dead Dreams and other books by Author Emma Right at Amazon, in Kindle Edition and at Barnes and Noble

Dead Dreams by Award winning and multi-published author Emma Right.

Young Brie, has just turned eighteen and she knows what she wants.  Now on her own for her first time, common sense seems to get thrown out the window as she lets Sarah, an heiress to a coal mining fortune enter her world. At first things are polite, but strange happenings begin to occur as Brie starts to wonder about Sarah—did she make a mistake? 

Filled with the theme of eternity, destiny and finding one's true desires…this read comes highly recommended as Brie's dreams quickly morph into nightmares with dire consequences.  Will Brie continue to throw out common sense and keep her roommate? 

Emma Right takes the reader on many twists and turns throughout this psychological mystery thrill ride, basing this novel on the scripture, "What if a man gains the whole world, but loses his soul?"  Ingeniously and masterfully written, Emma Right, has created a hugely popular series, sure to inspire and encourage young adults to turn from selfish ambition into the loving arms of Jesus Christ, Savior of all.

Emma Right is a happy wife, Christian homeschooler and mother of five living in the Pacific West Coast of the USA. Besides running a busy home, and looking after their five pets, which includes two cats, two bunnies and a longhaired dachshund, she also writes stories for her children. When she doesn't have her nose in a book, she is telling her kids to get their little noses in one.  Right worked as a copywriter for two major advertising agencies and won several awards, including the prestigious Clio Award for her ads, before she settled down to have children.

Get your copy of Dead Dreams: Book 1 and other books by Emma Right at Amazon. Dead Dreams: Book 1 is also available in Kindle Edition and at Barnes and Noble.

Be sure to visit Emma Right at her author's website for tips and ideas about books, homeschooling, bible devotions, and other great ministry. You may follow Emma at her Facebook page

CBM Christian Author Releases, sharing Christian authors and books with the world.

Salvation Is Like A Train That You Don't Want To Miss

The Last Train at Sunset by multi-published author Pearl Nsiah-Kumi depicts salvation as a train that is not to be missed!  With a unique approach, this book offers a series of articles and poems that are rich with Scripture giving the reader a choice for eternity.  Life is a journey, one with a destination that no one should miss: speaking of Heaven.  The author poignantly sheds light that life is too precious and too short to waste and that eternity awaits each individual, giving the urgency of the matter - as all are appointed to die once and eternity does await each individual whether you believe or don't believe. 

If you have ever wondered about salvation and what it means to you, or how the shed blood of Jesus Christ makes the difference of where you will spend eternity, don't miss The Last Train at Sunset by Pearl Nsiah-Kumi – an overwhelmingly urgent matter, for today is the day of salvation.  Don't wait to decide where you will spend eternity!   

Christian Book Marketing proudly sharing Christian authors with the world.

The War in Heaven - Robert V. Fullerton's God’s Strategic Plan

10.0 out of 10.0 stars - A Must Read

Robert V. Fullerton, in his new book, God's Strategic Plan, sheds light on the amazing history of mankind through a biblical perspective - revealing the amazing destiny, identity and purpose planned for mankind, encouraging all to find their own purpose in God. 

Beginning with a look at the grandest battle of all – the war in Heaven mentioned in Genesis, the author presents a biblical overview of mankind's drama from Genesis to Revelation, ending in the climatic reality of the Cross and salvation, encouraging all to take part in God's Kingdom as Fishers of Men. Fascinating, uplifting and with keen insight, God's Strategic Plan, illuminates for all the past, present and future history of mankind, ultimately leading to God's counter attack and strategic plan for all of humanity. 

With such chapters as: The Origin of Strategic Planning, In the Beginning, Earth-the Battlefield, The Battle of Eden, God's Chosen People, The Creator Strikes Back, Enter the Dragon's Lair, The Lion of the Tribe of Judah, The Slaying of the Dragon, The Triumph of the Lamb, "Follow Me and I will Make You Fisher's of Men, What's My destiny Mama?, and Finding Your destiny in God – all believers will find insight into their own destiny-filled purpose with God.  Offering immense hope and inspiration, the author presents practical scriptural application to finding one's true-identity in Christ within His Kingdom.  A highly recommended read!      

You may get your copy of God's Strategic Plan at Amazon, in Kindle Edition, at Barnes and Noble and at other fine online bookstores. 

A Voice in the Wilderness Ministries - The Saving of a Soul called, The Hereafter by Larry Jones

The Saving of a Soul called, The Hereafter by Larry Jones sheds light on Eternity and asks, "Where will you spend your Eternity?"  Offering the truth from the Bible, Jones gives understanding to what the Bible has to say about salvation, the End Times, leading up to the coming Judgment as defined in Hebrews 9:27 and much, much more.  Death is inevitable –  as the author notes. But did you know that there is a very real place called Hell and that Heaven is not a myth?  Come discover what the Bible has to say about both and make a decision today for Jesus Christ today.

As an apostle and prophet, Larry Jones is, "Planting the Word of God for eternal and true abundant life into believer's hearts."  His mission, as a visionary leader, is to tear down, root out, pull down and destroy the kingdoms of darkness.  He is the founder of the True Church of the Lord Jesus Christ: A Voice in the Wilderness Ministries who are planting 49 mega churches, and a 10,000 seat auditorium to surround this nation with the Glory of God.  God has also given Larry another vision to create another TBN/DayStar.  Ministering to the world the eternal Word of God.  Jones is also multi-published author, seeking to ignite passion for Jesus.

Get your copy of The Saving of a Soul called, The Hereafter at Amazon, and in Kindle Edition.. You may also visit Author Larry Jones at Christian Reading, at Save My Soul Lord and at Change Your World by Thought.

Be sure to see Pastor Larry Jones at The Sherry Bronson Show for further information and some great ministry.

Life Coach Larry Jones releases Five Steps to Reinvent Your Life Forever

Five Steps to Reinvent Your Life Forever: Clear Path to Success by Larry Jones reverberates CHANGE.  Bold, outspoken and powerful, the author exclaims, "It is not what you think, but how you think what you think."  As an Entrepreneur for Christ, author, speaker, teacher and life coach, Jones does not dispute eternal salvation in Jesus Christ, yet highlights from years of Bible study that you are what you think!  Giving his own experience and presenting a proven biblical pathway to success, the author notes Proverbs, "For as he thinketh in his heart so is he," shedding light on the "Laws of the Universe," that govern the physical world.  Intriguing and inspiring, the author writes, "Your life is only a mirrored image of your thinking."  Your own thoughts and inner life, as the book notes, play a huge role in developing who you are, where you are at in your life - producing good or bad outcomes.  Discover that thoughts are like seeds (without a physical form) that either produce life or death in your life.  From a firm biblical perspective, author Larry Jones gives proven biblical principles that will transform your life!  Get out of the ordinary and into the extraordinary with this exciting book that will reinvent your life - FOREVER.  

Be sure to visit author Larry Jones at Christian Reading or at Change Your World by Thought. You may get your copy of Five Steps to Reinvent Your Life Forever in Kindle Edition.

Be Encouraged, You Can Live A Supernatural Life

A Life-changing read by James W. Goll

Internationally recognized prophet, James W. Goll, releases - Living a Supernatural Life: The Secret to Experiencing a Life of Miracles - unveiling a lifestyle that emulates the character of Jesus; Goll writes to new and mature believers alike, inspiring all to live a supernatural life. 

His book describes living as Jesus did, through the power and authority of the Holy Spirit.  Learn how to access the power of the Holy Spirit that demonstrates the Kingdom with confirmations through signs and wonders. Oftentimes, discouragement arises through the lack of healings and the miraculous within the Christian arena.  As a prolific and prophetically gifted author, speaker and instructor, James W. Goll, presents much-need biblical insight and guidance to the body of Christ on how to approach signs and wonders: revealing that expecting and experiencing signs and wonders can be a reality through the power of the Holy Spirit.  An amazing, must-read for the entire body of Christ! 

James W. Goll is a forerunner for God with experience in the prophetic arena for over forty years.  His ministries, Encounters Network, span the globe as he teaches, imparts and encourages unity in the body of Christ through life living in alignment with the Holy Spirit of God.  This book is highly recommended for new and mature believers who want to see signs and wonders in their own lives and the lives of others around them.  As a multi-published author and speaker, James W. Goll has over 20 books in print.  Readers will significantly benefit from Goll’s teaching and expertise in the arena of the intercession, prayer and the prophetic.  

Endorsed by Randy Clark, Founder and President, Apostolic Network of Global Awakening (ANGW) - I have known James Goll for about a quarter of a century, having had him speak at many prophetic conferences for me over the years. He is a great communicator and his books have always been well written and well researched. His writing on the supernatural is both informative and inspirational. His new book, Living a Supernatural Life, is a great book—one that should be added to the library of those interested in progressing in the life of a Christian who pursues the presence of God.

For more information about the author, his books and some life changing ministry please visit Encounters Network. You may also get your copy of Living a Supernatural Life: The Secret to Experiencing a Life of Miracles at Amazon, in Kindle Edition and at other fine online bookstores.

CBM Christian Marketing Book Blast, sharing Christ with the nations of the world.

Is there a place called heaven? This is a must read book for everyone that has pondered this question.

A Place Called Heaven

The Sure Way to Him by Craig T. Feigh clears the confusion of ones’ eternal salvation by giving a solid Biblical foundation by the use of the acronym S.U.R.E.  Created as an accurate Bible study, this instructional study guide presents an easy-to-read format that answers all questions pertaining to whether one is going to Heaven or not as advised in 2 Corinthians 13:5 to test one’s faith.  The author presents the readers with specific tools for memory that help the readers to understand different teachings of the Bible while writing a easy to understand guide to help one incorporate the Word of God and intimacy with God into their daily lives as well.  These easy to remember and easy to use practical applications will help one to make wise choices based on the Word of God.  The author also encourages and displays throughout his book that God’s love is unconditional, giving readers a deeper knowledge of how to gain daily guidance and intimacy with God.  Reassurance is offered to those that question their salvation with a brilliant application of the tools, acronyms and statistics presented.  After reading this book one cannot deny that man was appointed to die once and that whether you believe or not in Jesus Christ, there is an eternal destiny awaiting each person – make sure you are on your way to Him. 

Wonderfully encouraging and inspiring The Sure Way to Him displays the firm foundation that God’s love endures forever and truly we as believers have been given the right to become God’s children - whether or not we obey is our choice.  Feigh as a father himself speaks candidly while urging all to come into agreement and obedience with the Word of God that will produce good fruit in all areas of life.  A highly recommended read for the unbeliever and new and mature believers alike.

Get your copy of The Sure Way to Him at Amazon. Be sure to visit the author at Craig T. Feigh for more information and book orders.

CBM Christian Book Review sharing Christian books and authors around the world.

New Children's Book Release by Julie Federico - Students Can Help Keep Schools Safe


New children’s book demystifies school violence

‘Students Can Help Keep Schools Safe’ teaches children how to prevent, report school violence

DENVER, Colo. – According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, there were 31 school-associated deaths from July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011. Author, former middle school counselor and first responder at the 1999 Columbine shootings Julie Federico believes that the key to preventing school violence isn’t just in the parents and teachers, but the students.

In Federico’s new book, “Students Can Help Keep Schools Safe: A Student/Teacher's Guide To School Safety and Violence Prevention” she presents school violence prevention in a manner that aims to reach children grades three through eight.

Due to her experience with the Columbine shootings, Federico knows firsthand the effect that school violence can have on students and family members. Using her experience and background in psychology and counseling, Federico portrays violence in schools through the perspective of a child in her new book. She hopes this perspective will make her book not only relatable for young readers, but also of use to elementary teachers and parents alike.

“Students Can Help Keep Schools Safe” presents numerous scenarios, showing young readers what is normal and acceptable at school and what is not. Federico hopes her book will help instill a sense of duty and power in children, as she says in her book, “Reporting possible harm does not make you a tattletale, it makes you a hero.”

“Students Can Help Keep Schools Safe”
By Julie Federico
Softcover | 8.5 x 11 in | 28 pages | ISBN 9781490821016
E-Book | ISBN 9781490821023
Available at Westbow Press

About the Author
Julie Federico was a middle school counselor for 14 years before beginning her career as a writer. She has a master’s in counseling and educational psychology and was a first responder to the Columbine shootings in 1999. Her books “The Bad Guys” and “Students Can Help Keep Schools Safe” are dedicated to the victims of the Sandy Hook School shootings in Newtown, CT.

EDITORS: For review copies or interview requests, contact:
Tel: 1-866-928-1240
Fax: 812-961-3133

Available at Amazon, in Kindle Edition at Barnes & Noble and in Nook Book.
